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The courses required by D. Lgs. 81/08 and D. M. 388/03 that oblige the employer to ensure that each worker receives sufficient and adequate safety and health training.


Legislative Decree 81/2008, under penalty of severe penalties, requires the employer to designate and train, by means of medical personnel, emergency management personnel, including through the worker's attendance at the first aid course. The first aid course we organize complies with the minimum contents imposed by the current legislative dictate (Art. 45 Legislative Decree 81/2008) and provides that the worker, upon completion of the first aid course is able, efficiently and independently, to perform the following basic operations:

- Implement internal first aid measures to contain the medical emergency;
- Activate first aid mechanisms through the use of emergency numbers.


Theoretical Lectures

1. General aspects of First Aid: the emergency medical organization, modern medical rescue, the role of casual responders.
2. Vital functions.
3. Breathing: recalls of anatomy and physiology of the respiratory system, characteristics of normal breathing, alterations in breathing and related first aid.
4. Cardiocirculatory function: recalls of anatomy and physiology, characteristics of normal pulse, alterations in pulse and related first aid; occasional distress rescue.
5. The state of consciousness: recalls anatomy and physiology of the nervous system, characteristics of the normal state of consciousness, alterations in the state of consciousness and related first aid.
6. Wounds, hemorrhage, foreign bodies: definition, conceptual aspects, related hazards, first aid.
7. Sprains, dislocations, fractures: definition, conceptual aspects, related hazards, first aid.
8. Head, thoracic and abdominal trauma: definition, conceptual aspects, related hazards, first aid; casualty rescue in major trauma.
9. Burns, frostbite, electrocution: definition, conceptual aspects, related hazards, first aid.
10. Heat stroke, sunstroke, frostbite: definition, conceptual aspects, related hazards, first aid.
11. Poisonings: definition, conceptual aspects, related hazards, first aid.
12. Drug addictions: definition, conceptual aspects, related hazards, first aid.
13. Psychological aspects related to First Aid.
14. Appendix: the occasional delivery assistance.

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Practical Training

First session: the Heimlich maneuver, the triple airway patency maneuver, artificial respiration, the self-transfusion position (anti-shock position), external cardiac massage, occasional sickness rescue (BLS).


Second session: compression hemostasis, compression bandaging, tourniquet apposition, wound dressing, immobilization of suspected limb fractures, mobilization of a supposed column trauma, safety position, occasional rescue in case of major trauma.

N.B.: Such sessions should be performed at least twice.

Final Tests

1) Written exam on conceptual aspects
2) Practical test on practical skills

+39 0187/506029 

Viale San Bartolomeo 525

La Spezia, SP 19126, Italy

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